Prokaryotic Cell
Practice Test Questions II
Virtual Cell Biology Classroom of Science Prof Online
Prokaryotic Cell Practice Test Questions - Part 2
Free review questions to help students practice their understanding of Prokaryotic Cells.
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2. If I boiled my dinner for a long time and there were still living bacteria in the food after boiling, this would most likely be due to the fact that some of the bacteria in my food could produce ...
a. a capsule
b. a cell wall
c. endospores
d. large populations of bacteria
e. a slime layer
3. Long, thin extensions that allow some bacteria to move about freely in aqueous environments are called …
a. a type of bacterial cell
b. a protective structure produced by some bacteria
d. the “seed” of a eukaryotic cell
e. one of the four levels of protein structure
5. Short, fine cell extension that Gram+ bacteria DO NOT have.
a. nucleoid b. pilli c. fimbriae d. plasmid e. granules
6. Type of glycocalyx that helps bacteria hide from host's immune system.
a. plasma membrane b. cell wall c. slime layer d. capsule e. tablet
a. true b. false
8. Which would keep a bacterium from bursting in a hypotonic environment?
a. cell wall b. glycocalyx
c. plasma membrane
d. protein
e. fimbriae
9. Which structure can help bacteria hide from the immune system of its host?
a. cell wall
b. granule
c. slime layer
d. capsule
e. cytoskeleton
10. Plasmids are (larger / smaller) than bacterial chromosomes.
Click here for more Prokaryotic Cell Practice Test Questions.
1. The yuck mouth that you have in the morning is due to a bacterial biofilm that has resulted from the reproduction of bacteria in your mouth during the night. The part of the bacteria that allows if to form this sticky biofilm is the ...
a. plasma membrane
b. gram negative cell wall
c. saliva
e. granules
Page last updated: 9/2014
Image of generic prokaryotic cell.
For a practice assignment on diagramming a prokaryotic cell click here.
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